by Christian Brandstötter MMSc | Mar 5, 2017 | Blog
Case studies are one of the most effective marketing tools to generate new B2B leads. They offer interested parties an opportunity to get an impression of how you and your company were able to offer value to similar customers in the past. The effectiveness of good...
by Christian Brandstötter MMSc | Mar 5, 2017 | Blog
If you look at the websites of large software and IT companies, you are constantly presented with different terms…. sometimes, they are called case studies, while other companies present success stories and others refer to customer stories. But are these really...
by Christian Brandstötter MMSc | Mar 5, 2017 | Blog, Uncategorized
Does this sound familiar to you: you are sitting frustratedly in front of the computer, your boss has asked you to finish the blog article by tomorrow morning and you still got no clue what to write? You just can’t seem to think of anything? The deadline is...